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On 10 November 2017, the Independent Review Reference Group met to discuss the progress of the review.
Review Chair, Professor Megan Davis thanked Reference Group members for their continued support as the review begins to gather momentum.
Professor Davis reported on the community interviews that have been conducted so far in Western Sydney and the Hunter New England region. She shared a few examples of the stories the Independent review team has heard so far. Future regional visits were also outlined, and community engagement was discussed at length.
Written public submissions to the review continue to be received by the independent team, and the deadline for written submission has been extended. It was highlighted that community members are encouraged to provide input through the submissions process, particularly where review staff are unable to visit their region.
The importance of the independence of the review was emphasised and agreed on by all those attending, as was the relationship of the review to the organisations that make up the reference group.
The input of the AbSec Youth Ambassadors was particularly valuable in the meeting. Their lived experience in out of home care provides insight into the system’s impact on children, even after they have left care.
We look forward to continuing to work together in the New Year and wish all members well for 2018.
Disclaimer: The information on this webpage is accurate of 2017 and may not reflect current developments.
13 Sep 2023