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ChildStory Partner makes it easier for our service partners to interact with Communities and Justice (DCJ). It enables our partners to securely send and receive information about the children and young people they work with.
ChildStory Partner is used by Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) that offer placements under the Permanency Support Program (PSP). It is also used by External Legal Practitioners (ELP) engaged by DCJ to act in Children's Court Proceedings.
If you are from an NGO that offers placements under PSP and you require access to ChildStory Partner read our guide for information on how to request access, which includes the System Access Form to download and complete.
If you are an external legal practitioner engaged by DCJ and require access to ChildStory Partner read our guide for information on how to request access, which includes the System Access Form to download and complete.
DCJ uses Okta to manage web applications. Okta enhances security through multifactor authentication and gives you a single, secure home page where you can conveniently access all the applications assigned to you. Watch the Portal.DCJ instructional video for more information and help setting up your Portal.DCJ Okta account to access ChildStory Partner, or read the Portal.DCJ instructional video transcript.
(Cover image of animated person standing, gesturing at the words ‘Portal.DCJ’ on screen. Upbeat music introduces video with NSW Government logo and the words ‘ChildStory Communities and Justice’.)
Voiceover: If you are external to DCJ and need access to DCJ business applications such as the ChildStory Partner or ELP Partner Community, you'll need to go through Portal.DCJ.
(Animated person gestures to the words is this transcript also written on the screen.)
Voiceover: Portal.DCJ is an enhanced security access platform using Multi Factor Authentication, self-service user registration and password reset functionality to support external users.
(Animated person places their hand under their chin.)
Voiceover: It's designed to protect the information we have about the communities we serve, including children and young people, carers, families, and vulnerable people.
(Animated person raises their hand and opens their mouth, then places arms by their side.)
Voiceover: Portal.DCJ is another way to help keep them safe.
(Animated person looks at the access steps in this transcript, also written on the screen. At step 3: ‘Set up your Okta account’ they raise one hand and pull their arm down in a success gesture.)
Voiceover: To get access, you'll need to:
(Animated person drops from view.)
Voiceover: Existing users won't need to register, they'll get the activation email to start the process.
(Two new animated people in suits appear. The words ‘1 Register for Portal.DCJ’ appear. One of the people waves.)
Voiceover: If you are an NGO or ELP needing access to ChildStory's Partner Communities, you'll download and complete your Partner access form and send it to
(Image of ‘Welcome to the ChildStory Partner Community’ page moves quickly on screen. A hand presses a link at the bottom of the page: A ChildStory Partner system access request form moves quickly on screen.)
Voiceover: Once submitted, this triggers the registration for Portal.DCJ.
(Three smiling, animated people in casual clothes appear. One raises both arms in the air. More animated people join the group. They wave and smile.)
Voiceover: Other external users can contact support for the relevant department for their registration process.
(The words ‘2 Select Activate on the Okta email’ appear.)
Voiceover: Portal.DCJ uses Okta to securely manage web applications.
(Okta logo appears.)
Voiceover: Once you've been verified by DCJ, you'll receive an email requiring you to activate your Okta account. Select Activate.
(Animated person give thumbs us to image of ‘Welcome to Okta’ email, then drops from view. Hand presses on ‘Activate Okta account’ button in email. The words ‘3 Set up your Okta account’ appear.)
Voiceover: To set up your Okta account, you'll be asked to set a password according to criteria.
(Image of ‘Welcome to dcj-portal’ – Create your dcj-portal account’ screen appears with ‘Enter new password field’, password requirements and ‘Repeat new password’ field.)
Voiceover: At forgot password question; take care as your answer is case sensitive and your mobile number to reset or unlock your account.
(Screen scrolls down to show ‘Choose a forgot password question’ and ‘What is the food you least liked as a child? User types answer: ‘Brussel sprouts’. Hand presses on ‘Add phone number’ button.)
Voiceover: Make sure you add the number as you will dial it with no country code prefix.
(Image of screen with words ‘Forgot Password Text Message’. Country field: Australia. Phone number field: 0400 555 111.)
Voiceover: Then select Send Code.
(Hand presses on ‘Send code’ button.)
Voiceover: The number should appear on your phone for you to enter and verify.
(Image of screen with words ‘Forgot Password Text Message’. Numbers 826167 type into the Enter code field. Hand presses ‘Verify’ button. ‘Phone number successfully’ verified appears. Hand presses ‘Done’ button.)
Voiceover: Also, select a picture to choose a security image. You should see this when you log in as another check you're in the right place.
(Screen scrolls down to ‘Click a picture to choose a security image’ showing 12 small photos. Hand presses on sunflower photo. Tick appears on photo.)
Voiceover: Lastly, select Create my Account.
(Hand presses ‘Create My Account’ button’. The words ‘4 Set up the Okta Verify app on your phone appear.)
Voiceover: To set up Multi Factor Authentication, you need to download the Okta Verify app on your phone.
(Illustration of hand holding phone with Okta Verify and tick on screen.)
Voiceover: Select Configure Factor.
(‘Set up multifactor authentication’ screen appears. Hand presses ‘Configure factor’ button.)
Voiceover: Select your device type, and then to download the app, select Next.
(Hand selects iPhone from device type and presses ‘Next’ button.)
Voiceover: Go to your phone's app store, search for Okta Verify and download it.
(Illustration of phone. Hand presses App Store icon, types okta verify in search field and presses ‘Get’ button.)
Voiceover: Once installed, open the Okta Verify app and select Add Account.
(Hand presses ‘Add Account’ button on ‘Ways to verify’ screen.)
Voiceover: This prompts you to use the phone to scan the QR code on the computer.
(Hand presses ‘Organisation’ on ‘Choose an account type’, and presses ‘Scan a QR code’ button. Phone scans QR code on computer screen.)
Voiceover: Once it scans this completes the setup and the Portal.DCJ page displays.
(Image of ‘Setup Okta Verify’ screen with a green tick over QR code. Image of Portal.DCJ page with ‘Childstory (Partner Users SSO)’ on the Work tab.)
Voiceover: As it's your first time here, there's helpful guidance to explain parts of the page.
(A pop-up message appears: ‘Okta makes your lift easier. Access all the apps you use from one place – no passwords needed’ with ‘Got it!’ button. There are two notes on the page: over the Childstory app, ‘Click an app and Okta signs you in’. Over the Add Apps button, ‘Add all your apps so everything is 1 click away’.)
Voiceover: Select Got it, and now you can access the Partner or ELP Partner Community or whatever DCJ apps you need.
(Hand presses Got it! button. Pop-up message disappears.)
Voiceover: Now that you've set up, every time you go to, you'll see the security image you selected, so enter your email address and password.
(Log in screen showing ‘Please enter your logon’ and username field with an email address entered in it. Sunflower image appears near top of screen. Hidden password is entered in Password field.)
Voiceover: Select Verify which prompts you to Send Push.
(Hand presses ‘Verify’ button. New screen appears. Hand presses ‘Send Push’ button.)
Voiceover: We recommend you select the option to send push automatically to reduce the number of steps next time.
(Hand selects ‘Send push’ automatically. Tick appears.)
Voiceover: You should receive a push notification on your phone.
(Image of phone with ‘Did you just try to sign in?’ screen and buttons ‘Yes, it’s me’ and ‘No, it’s not me.)
Voiceover: Tap on, Yes, It's Me to verify.
(Hand presses ‘Yes, it’s me’ button.)
Voiceover: And that's the process for setting up your Portal.DCJ access.
(Animated person appears, smiling and waving at words ‘Thanks for setting up your Portal.DCJ access!’)
(NSW Government logo and the words ‘ChildStory Communities and Justice’ appear and music ends.)
For assistance with registering and maintaining your Portal.DCJ Okta account, read our guide.
For support with ChildStory Partner, please call 1300 356 696, or email
29 May 2024