Communities and Justice

Support organisations


Open Adoption Hotline

Visit the Open Adoption Hotline website.
Phone: 1800 003 227

Adoption and Permanent Care Association of NSW

Phone: (02) 8091 5157
Facebook: Search @australianadoption (Closed group)


Visit the Anglicare website.
Phone: (02) 9890 6855

Barnardos Australia Adoptions

Visit the Barnardos Australia Adoptions website.
Phone: (02) 9281 5510 or 1800 663 441
Adoption online form

Family Spirit

Visit the Family Spirit website.
Phone: 13 18 19
Domestic adoptions

International Social Services

Visit the International Social Services website.
Phone: (02) 9267 0300 or 1300 543 396

Link Up Family Services

Visit the Link Up Family Services (NSW) website.
Phone: (02) 9837 2200
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Phone: (02) 9421 4700 or 1800 624 332

NEW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Visit the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages website.
Phone: 13 77 88

Origins Inc

Visit the Origins Inc website.
Phone: (02) 8786 1035
Supporting people separated by forced adoption
Phone: (02) 9604 1950

Post Adoption Resource Centre

Visit the Post Adoption Resource Centre website.
Phone: (02) 9365 3444 or 1800 236 762

See support organisations for intercountry adoptions.

Support organisations

Adoption can be a challenging and exhausting experience for many couples. Fortunately, there are a number of support and information groups across NSW which can help you through the process.

Membership of an adoption support organisation is not a requirement for a successful adoption, however applicants are encouraged to join these groups

Intercountry adoption

Intercountry Adoption Australia

1800 197 760

Open 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday

The Australian Government created Intercountry Adoption Australia to help guide people wanting to adopt a child from overseas.

Intercountry Adoption Australia is a national service and central point of contact for people at all stages of the intercountry adoption process. For people already in the process, or considering applying to adopt a child from overseas, the service will connect them to a variety of resources and services.

More support organisations are listed below:

International Social Service Australia

Visit the Intercountry Adoption Family Support Service website.

Contact: Sarah Burn

Phone: (02) 9267 0300



Australian-African Children’s Aid and Support Association Inc (AACASA)

Country: Ethiopia

Representative: Carmel Stormer

Phone: 0415 785 976


Australians Caring for Children Inc (ACC) (Support Organisation)

Countries: all (ACC has a wide membership of families that have adopted from a range of countries- including Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, China, Philippines, Fiji, Australia, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka)


Families with Children from China - Australia (FCC Australia Incorporated)

Visit the Families with Children from China website.

Country: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan

Representative: Caroline Regan

Phone: 0421 069 492



Friends of F.A.N.A

Country: Colombia

Representative: Henry and Karoline Brodaty

Mobile: 0400 814 327 (Karoline)

Phone: (02) 9337 2146 or (02) 9388 8686


NSW Thai Adoption Support Group

Country: Thailand

Representative: Tina Marie Sheil



Playgroups and social groups

The Central West Adoption Support Group

For information contact:

Kristina Loxley:

Cathi Pirani:

Carolyn Dunn: 0459 388 847 

This group meets bi-monthly at different locations across central western NSW. The group has been formed by families who have adopted children from overseas or within Australia and those who are considering or in the process of adopting. They offer support, encouragement, information and the opportunity for children of all cultures and ages to get together and play.

Shoalhaven Adoptive Families Support Group

Linda Sandry: 0401 098 139

Charli Taylor: 0410 420 873

Monthly meetings and a fortnightly playgroup.


A Mandarin/Chinese cultural social group meeting monthly at the Chinese Australian Services Society in Campsie. 

Children participate in craft, language and other activities led by people of Chinese background or adult adoptees. All families of children adopted from China or Taiwain are welcome, as are prospective adoptive parents. 

Email for more information.

Playful Pandas

A ‘Families with Children from China’ (FCC) Mandarin playgroup run every Saturday morning from 10am - 12pm during school term at Dee Why. Songs, games, Chinese cultural activities and great support and information for those currently going through the adoption process. 

Contact Mandy van den Elshout on (02) 9997 6954 for more information.

Northern Rivers Adoption Support group family get-togethers

Call (02) 6687 8213 or 0402 278 655 for more information

Betty Honey phone: 0411 282 265

ACC Playgroup 2012

Held on the first Wednesday of the month (in school holidays this may change), from 10am onwards

Leanne Hampel 

Phone: 0438 878 969


Last updated:

26 Jun 2024