Communities and Justice

Social housing waiting list data

Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register

Bar graph showing the number of priority and general applicant households on the NSW Housing Register
Shows data from June 2023 to June 2024 for social housing waiting list. As at 30 June 2024 there are 56,332 households waiting for social housing: 9,428 priority approved and 46,904 general approved

Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by Allocation Zone

The number of priority and general applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by Allocation Zone at the end of the latest month.

Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by Allocation Zone as at 30 June 2024 (XLSX, 26.3 KB)

Data for previous months

Download social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by allocation zone data for previous months:

Newly housed from the NSW Housing Register

Bar graph showing the number of priority and general applicant household housed from the NSW Housing Register and percentage of priority housed
Shows data from June 2023 to June 2024 for housed from the NSW Housing Register. In June 2024 there were 654 households housed: 474 priority and 180 general. Proportion of priority housed in June 2024 is at 72%.

Median waiting time in months for social housing applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register (rolling 12 months)

Line chart depicting median waiting time in months for social housing applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register
Shows median waiting time in months for general applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register in the rolling 12 months for the last five quarters: from June 2023 to June 2024. As at 30 June 2024, median waiting time for general applicants housed from the NSW Housing Register was 20.1 months.
Line graph depicting median waiting time in months for priority applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register
Shows median waiting time in months for priority applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register in the rolling 12 months for the last five quarters: from June 2023 to June 2024. As at 30 June 2024, median waiting time for priority applicants housed from the NSW Housing Register was 3.5 months.

Median waiting time by DCJ district (rolling 12 months)

The median waiting times in months for priority and general social housing applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register in the previous 12 months, at the end of each quarter, by DCJ District. This measure provides information on how long 50 per cent of priority or general applicants waited before they were housed.

Median waiting time by district - June 2024 (XLSX, 17.5 KB)

Data for previous quarters

Download median waiting time by district previous quarters:

Last updated:

29 Jul 2024