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Missed the live webinar? A captioned recording is available to view now.
This webinar focussed on the prevalence, characteristics and outcomes of children and young people with disability in out-of-home care and the support services available to them and their carers. The session was chaired by Christie Robertson (Manager - Strategy and Evidence, Family and Community Services Insights, Analysis and Research (FACSIAR). The latest evidence on the topic was presented by researchers from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS) and the Research Centre for Children and Families at the University of Sydney. There was also a panel with experts sharing their experiences and discussing support services available to children and young people with disabilities in out-of-home care and their carers and case workers.
Professor Massimiliano Tani Bertuol, Professor of Finance, School of Business, UNSW
A/Professor Zhiming Cheng, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Macquarie Business School & Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW
Download slide deck (PDF, 720.4 KB)
Please note that the Cheng, Tani and Katz (2022) study utilized data from Waves 1-4 of the POCLS. See below for more information about POCLS data and available disability measures.
Professor Amy Conley Wright, Professor of Child and Family Social Work, Director, Research Centre for Children and Families, University of Sydney
Dr Susan Collings, Senior Research Fellow and Program Lead, Disability and Child Protection, Research Centre for Children and Families, University of Sydney
Download slide deck (PDF, 675.0 KB)
The POCLS holds multiple sources of information (survey and linked administrative data) on the specific types of disability that children may have. Longitudinal survey data on children's disability using the Australian Bureau of Statistics questions are collected from Wave 4 (noting the POCLS is up to wave 6).
An independent, impartial advocacy organisation that supports families across New South Wales to promote and defend the rights and interests of people with developmental disability
22 Jul 2024