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Prior to being offered employment at Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), recruitment staff will undertake various checks to ensure the information provided is accurate. An offer of employment will be subject to some or all the following checks.
Applicants are eligible to be appointed to a permanent position or employed as a Casual Correctional Officer if they are an Australian citizen or a permanent Australian resident. Applicants on a current working visa are only eligible for temporary or casual jobs (excluding Casual Correctional Officer).
All CSNSW employees are required to undergo a National Criminal History Record Check conducted by the NSW Police Force.
An adverse criminal record check does not necessarily disqualify you from selection. A risk assessment will be carried out before a decision is made. Any criminal record information is kept in confidence and is not placed on an applicant's personal file.
To maintain public confidence in the integrity of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) as well as the individual employee, all personal relationships and/or social or off-duty contact with offenders must be disclosed to avoid false perceptions and manage any actual or potential risks. Employees are required to complete a Contact with Offender Declaration form prior to commencing duty.
Successful applicants are required to sign a health declaration that they are fit to carry out the duties of the job or to attend a medical examination. A health assessment assists CSNSW and applicants by ensuring no person is placed in a position that will result in physical or psychological harm.
Applicants for Casual Correctional Officer, and trade Overseer positions are required to attend a pre-employment medical assessment that includes:
A structured referee check will be undertaken following the interview to verify and obtain further information about an applicant in relation to the position.
Only referees nominated by the applicant will be contacted and must include:
A conduct and performance check is completed for current public service applicants who are to be offered employment. The check is completed by recruitment staff and involves:
Where a tertiary or other qualification has been specified, the qualification must be verified at interview by sighting the original document and then signing and dating a copy of the original. Applicants with overseas qualifications are responsible for obtaining certified translations and equivalency of qualifications.
Under no circumstances will a person be permitted to commence work without having produced evidence of the qualifications necessary for employment.
A person who has accepted a voluntary redundancy offer as a public servant cannot be re-employed or re-engaged in any capacity in any NSW public sector agency without first repaying the relevant portion of their severance pay.
The repayment covers the relevant proportion of the severance payment (up to 39 weeks) and the incentive payment of up to 8 weeks' pay. An employee accepting the offer must sign an undertaking agreeing to this condition. This requirement applies to employment or engagement in any capacity.
In addition to any criminal record checks that are undertaken, where an applicant is to work in a position deemed to be child related employment, the applicant must provide their Working With Children Check reference number which will be verified through the Office of the Children's Guardian.
24 Jul 2024