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Errata for NSW Admission Board Rule (Ninth) Amendment 2024
Find out about the support and services available if you have been affected by crime in NSW.
This page houses a link to the Children's Court Handbook published by the Judicial Commission of NSW
Local Court of NSW Strategic Plan 2023-26
NSW Drug Court Evaluation: interim report on health and well-being of participants
Find contact details, opening hours and addresses for the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) on this page.
The Land and Environment Court has a wide jurisdiction to hear and determine many different types of case. The main types of cases heard by the Court are group
NCAT can determine external appeals from a decision made by certain decision-making bodies.
The Crown Solicitor's Office provides specialised training on NSW privacy legislation and on the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) to
10 Feb 2025