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Fact sheet to help public sector staff implement the NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010.
Discussion paper on coercive and controlling behaviour in the context of domestic and family violence in NSW
DCJ undertook an extensive consultation process with nine consultation sessions around NSW, a survey and direct submissions. The input from people with disabil
This flyer explains how to spot abuse and how to report the abuse to the Ageing and Disability Commission.
See Practice Note 6 - Children's Court Clinic assessment applications and attendance of Authorised Clinicians at hearings, dispute resolution conferences and e
This Evidence to Action Note supports us to understand how to involve clients in outcomes-based commissioning, and the impact this has on client outcomes.
This Evidence to Action Note identifies the best ways to support social housing tenants gain and maintain employment.
This Evidence to Action Note identifies evidence-based indicators that could be used to measure wellbeing across the seven domains of the NSW Human Services Ou
A presentation by Preston CJ to the IV Forum on Environmental Justice, Santiago, Chile titled 'The Proactive Responsiveness of Environmental Courts'
The number of strip searches carried out on young people in youth detention centres in NSW
10 Feb 2025