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Information about the recent data breach
The Department of Communities and Justice takes data security extremely seriously and acted with urgency to identify and implement mitigation strategies to contain the breach. We are now assessing the documents involved and will contact affected individuals as quickly as possible.
The matter has been reported to Cyber Security NSW and the NSW Police Cybercrime Squad and is subject to an active police investigation.
Sentencing Table - Manufacture Amphetamines / Methylamphetamines - Large Commercial Quantity
Submission to Special Commission of Inquiry into Offending by Former Corrections Officer Wayne Astill at Dillwynia Correctional Centre.
9. 2019.05.16 AS
Submission to the consultation on the exposure draft aged care bill 2023
This report describes the development of POCLS data weights for the initial wave and should be read with a previous report by Wulczyn et al. (2018).
Sentencing Table - Assault Causing Death
Parole Determination Adam Owens
Trajectories for wellbeing and placement stability among children and young people whoexperience out of home care
Practices for fostering lifelong cultural connections for Aboriginal children in care
Australian Centre for Child Protection
10 Feb 2025