Corrective Services NSW

Community corrections officers work with offenders who are supervised in the community as well as with offenders who are serving a custodial sentence. Their work is important to achieve reduced risk of re-offending by working with offenders in a manner which encourages responsible and law-abiding community living.

Recruitment campaigns for community corrections officers will be conducted from time to time and will be advertised on the I work for NSW. There are currently no recruitment campaigns for this role.

If you have missed out on previous campaigns why not set up an applicant profile on I work for NSW.

You can find further information about being a community corrections officers below:

The role of a community corrections officer

Community corrections officers work in the Community Corrections district offices, providing assistance and referral services to offenders. They give verbal and written advice about offenders to courts and the NSW State Parole Authority.

As part of their work, community corrections officers visit offenders at their home and work with their families and communities, often during times of transition from community to custody or from custody to the community.

Where a community corrections officer is employed in the Parole Units of correctional centres, they are an integral part of preparing inmates for release from custody, which includes liaising with other government and non-government agencies around issues such as suitable housing and rehabilitation services.

The majority of community corrections officers supervise, monitor, manage and provide assistance to offenders who are on conditional liberty and are to complete a legal order in the community.

These officers work in District Offices across the State, in metropolitan and regional areas of NSW.

What type of person are we looking for?

We are looking for people who have the ability and willingness to:

  • work as a community corrections officer at various district offices within NSW
  • undertake community corrections officer training
  • work in a team-based and structured environment
  • act with integrity, impartiality and compassion
  • communicate appropriately with people from all backgrounds,sometimes in stressful situations
  • actively participate in initiatives focused on reducing re-offending.

Training - What is involved?

All community corrections officers are required to attain the Certificate IV in Correctional Practice. This qualification is achieved by successful completion of a training program comprising an 8 week training course at the Brush Farm Corrective Services Academy at Eastwood complemented by 44 weeks of workplace training. During this time, the new community corrections officers are assessed twice by independent-accredited assessors.

An offer of permanent employment is only made if the training and assessments have been completed successfully.

Application requirements

Community corrections officers are required to function in a highly professional manner and it is vital that they have demonstrated skills and attitudes which contribute to effective people management.

Community corrections officers must have good communication skills, be non-judgmental in their dealings with clients and apply rules and regulations in a fair and consistent manner.

All applicants for positions of community corrections officers must have demonstrated skills and experience in professional disciplines such as social work, psychology, mental health and/or other relevant human services. Skills in group program facilitation are beneficial as well.

Last updated:

11 May 2023

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