Children's Court New South Wales

Parramatta Children's Court

2 George Street
(Nearest cross street: O'Connell Street)
Phone: 02 8688 1888
Fax: 02 8688 1999

View Parramatta Children's Court on Google Maps.

Opening hours

9 am - 4:30 pm.

The care and protection reception is closed between 1 - 2 pm.

Getting to court 

Trains: Parramatta train station is approximately a 10 minute walk to the court.

Bus service: Parramatta bus depot is at the train station and is approximately a 10 minute walk. There are bus stops located within close walking distance of the court.

Parking: Metered parking is within walking distance. Paid parking stations are within walking distance.

Parramatta Terminal (River Cat) is approximately a 15 minute walk from the court.

General information

  • The court is located in the Parramatta Justice Precinct.
  • Food outlets, cafe's and shops (Parramatta Mall) are within a 5 minute walk from the court.
  • Parramatta Westfields is approximately a 10 minute walk from the court.
  • Parramatta Park is across the road (O'Connell St).
Last updated:

08 May 2023

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