Family Connect and Support
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Assessment Resources

The Early Intervention Common Assessment Tool has been developed for FCS and TEI providers to adopt a consistent approach when conducting assessments that are family led and culturally safe. You can find resources here to support use of the Common Assessment Tool including the Common Assessment Framework.

This Common Assessment Framework is for agencies delivering Family Connect and Support (FCS) services and has broader applicability across all services offering early supports to children, young people and families.

The purpose of the framework is to provide a consistent approach across FCS services when assessing children, young people and families' strengths and needs.

The Early Intervention Common Assessment Tool

The Early Intervention Common Assessment Tool (CAT) has been developed for Family Connect and Support (FCS) and Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) practitioners to adopt a consistent approach when conducting comprehensive assessments that are family led and culturally safe.

The CAT is made up of three resources that are designed to be used together:

  1. The Common Assessment Tool Guide (PDF, 3.0 MB) (PDF, 3.0 MB)
  2. The Common Assessment Tool Practitioner Joint-assessment Template (DOCX, 633.9 KB) (DOCX, 633.9 KB)
  3. The Common Assessment Tool Family Self-assessment Template (DOCX, 296.3 KB) (DOCX, 296.3 KB)
Last updated:

27 Feb 2025

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