Dust Diseases Tribunal New South Wales


Below find the list of names and contact details for the Mediators appointed by the President of the Dust Diseases Tribunal.

You can also download the list of approved Mediators (PDF, 117.8 KB) as a PDF document.




Bridge SC, Campbell

7th Floor

Wentworth Selborne

174-180 Phillip Street


Ph: 9231 1685

Email: cb@campbellbridge.com

Callaway, C Jak

Chalfont Chambers

9th Floor, 67 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

Ph: 8123 1969

Email: callaway@chalfont.com.au

Ellison SC, Lindsay

Wardell Chambers

10/111 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

Ph: 9231 3133

Email: clerk@wardellchambers.com.au

Goldrick, Vincent John

Goldrick Farrell Mullan Lawyers

Ph: 9267 7311

Email: vin.goldrick@gfm.com.au

Hogan-Ross, Kerry

Level 57, MLC Centre

19-29 Martin Place


Ph: 92382074

Email: kerry@hogan-ross.com

Inglis, Michael

Blackburn Chambers

12 AMP Building,

1 Hobart Place Canberra 2601

Ph: 0419 412 107

Email: michael.inglis@westnet.com.au

Jay, David M

David Jay, Barrister

Ph: 0403 994 324

Email: david.jay@stjames.net.au

McGrowdie, Michael  

Ph: 0418 440 627

Email: mcgrowdie@chambersinbox.com.au 

McIntyre SC, James A


Ph: 0418 440 641

Email: mcintyre@estc.net.au

Menzies QC, Paul

8th Floor, 180 Phillip Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: 0412 325 331

Email: paulmenzies@paulmenziesesqc.com.au

Sharpe, John L

Elizabeth Street Chambers

16/179 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY 2000

Ph: 9336 5375

Email: sharpe@estc.net.au

Stenson, Ross


Ph: 0417 474 766

Email: ross@rossstenson.com.au

Tancred, Toby  

Ph: 6362 1210


Last updated:

04 Mar 2025

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