Communities and Justice

Services for members of the public


The Law Courts Library is primarily for judicial officers and decision makers of the NSW courts and tribunals and is not open to members of the public, however see below for other libraries which may provide alternative assistance.

Representing yourself in court?

If you are representing yourself in a court case, there are a number of options for finding legal information and getting advice. If you are looking for legal resources, the State Library of NSW can help you find items relevant to your case.

Law Libraries open to the public

The State Library has an extensive law collection including plain language resources, legal text books, law journals, legislation and law reports. The library also subscribes to an extensive range of loose-leaf services and online legal databases. 

You can consult the Find Legal Answers section of the State Library of NSW or look for the Find Legal Answers toolkits in your nearest local public library.

Public libraries with extra legal resources

Many public libraries have additional collections of legal resources and specialist librarians to assist you. Find a public library with legal resources through State Library public library map.

Tours of the Law Courts Library

While the library is not open to members of the public or students, special tours may be offered to coincide with Law Week each year.

Last updated:

08 Nov 2023

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