Local Court civil fees
Schedule 1 Civil Procedure Regulation 2017
- Filing an originating process, under Part 3 of the Local Court Act 2007, in the Local Court sitting in its General Division
Standard Fee: $347
Corporation Fee: $694
- Filing an originating process, under Part 3 of the Local Court Act 2007, in the Local Court sitting in its Small Claims Division
Standard Fee: $168
Corporation Fee: $336
- Filing an application notice under Part 4 of the Local Court Act 2007
Standard Fee: $114
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Filing an application for an order for the rehearing of proceedings under Division 3 of Part 5 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005
Standard Fee: $505
Corporation Fee: $1,010
- Serving or attempting service by post of originating process by the Local Court
Standard Fee: $52 for each address to which process posted
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Filing a notice of motion
Standard Fee: $106
Corporation Fee: $212
- Filing a notice of appeal, or application for leave to appeal, to the District Court under Part 3 of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001, as applied to proceedings under Part 4 of the Local Court Act 2007:
(a) in relation to a single notice - Standard Fee: $141
(b) in relation to more than 1 notice arising - Standard Fee: $74
Corporation Fee: N/A
Miscellaneous fees
Schedule 1 Civil Procedure Regulation 2017
- Issuing a subpoena (for production, to give evidence, or both)
Standard Fee: $126
Corporation Fee: $252
- Receipt by the registrar of a document or thing produced in compliance with a notice to produce under Part 34 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005
Standard Fee: $126
Corporation Fee: $252
- Filing or registering a copy or certificate of a judgment, order, determination, decree, adjudication or award of any other court or person under section 133 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005
Standard Fee: $113
Corporation Fee: $226
- Opening or keeping open the registry or part of the registry:
(a) on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday
(b) on any other day before 9 am or after
5 pm
Standard Fee: $903
Corporation Fee: $1,806
- Requesting production to the court of documents held by another court
Standard Fee: $74
Corporation Fee: $148
- Furnishing one or more sealed or certified copies of a judgment or order, or of the written opinion or reasons for opinion of any judicial or other officer of the court
Standard Fee: $74
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Retrieving, providing access to and furnishing a copy of any document (otherwise than as provided for by items 6,8,10)
Standard fee: $15, plus $8 for each 10 pages (or part of 10 pages) after the first 20 pages
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Retrieving and providing access to, but not furnishing a copy of, any file or box of files, where the file or box of files is retrieved from an off-site storage facility
Standard fees:
(a) standard retrieval request - $98
(b) non-standard retrieval request (including urgent, high or after hours priority retrieval request or a retrieval request for deliver to or from a regional location outside the Sydney metropolitan area) - Such additional fee incurred by a court
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Supplying a duplicate recording of sound-recorded evidence - per disc
Standard Fee: $64
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Supplying a copy of a transcript of any proceedings:
Standard Fee:
(a) where the matter being transcribed is under 3 months old: $110, plus an additional $13 for each page after the first 8 pages
(b) where the matter being transcribed is 3 months old or older $134, plus an additional $15 for each page after the first 8 pages
Corporation Fee: $N/A
- Providing any service for which a fee is not otherwise imposed by this Schedule Note: A fee may not be imposed under this item except with the approval of the registrar.
Standard fee: $53
Corporation fee: $106
Local Court criminal fees
- Filing a court attendance notice under Chapter 4 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 to commence proceedings to which Parts 2-4 of that Chapter apply
Standard fee: $114
- Filing an application under Chapter 4 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 to commence proceedings to which Part 5 of that Chapter applies, being proceedings in the Land and Environment Court (Class 5 of that Court's jurisdiction)
Standard fee: $1,151
- Filing an application to the Local Court for annulment of conviction or sentence under Part 2 of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001
Standard fee: $114
- Filing a notice of appeal, or an application for leave to appeal, to the District Court under Part 3 of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001
Standard fee:
(a) in relation to a single offence - $141
(b) in relation to more than 1 offence arising from the same court appearance - $221
- Filing a notice of appeal, or an application for leave to appeal, to the Land and Environment Court under Part 4 of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001 (Class 6 or 7 of that Court's jurisdiction)
Standard fee: $1,151
- Issuing a certificate of conviction or dismissal
Standard fee: $74
- Retrieving, providing access to and furnishing a copy of any document (otherwise than as provided for by items 8 and 10):
Standard fee:
(a) for up to 20 pages - $15
(b) for each 10 pages (or part thereof) after the first 20 pages - $8
- Retrieving and providing access to, but not furnishing a copy of, any file or box of files, where the file or box of files is retrieved from an off-site storage facility
Standard fee:
(a) standard retrieval request - $98
(b) non-standard retrieval request (including urgent, high or after hours priority retrieval request or a retrieval request for deliver to or from a regional location outside the Sydney metropolitan area) - Such additional fee incurred by a court
- Supply of duplicate tape recording of sound-recorded evidence-per disc
Standard fee: $64
- Copy of any deposition or transcript (unless otherwise provided for under any other Act):
Standard fee:
(a) for each page, where the matter being transcribed is under 3 months old:
(i) for up to 8 pages - $110
(ii) for each page after the first 8 pages -$13
(b) for each page, where the matter being transcribed is 3 months old or older:
(i) for up to 8 pages - $134
(ii) for each page after the first 8 pages - $15
Sheriff's fees
The fees of the Office of the Sheriff - external site launch are provided in Schedule 2, Civil Procedure Regulation 2017
Note: the 2023-2024 fees commence 1 August 2023
Fees charged by the Office of the Sheriff
- Serving or attempting service of any document, including service by post and preparation of affidavit of service
$81 for each address at which, and each occasion on which, service is effected or attempted
- Executing or attempting execution of an arrest warrant under section 97 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005
$104 for each address at which, and each occasion on which, execution is effected or attempted
- Executing or attempting execution of a writ of possession under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005
$424 for each address at which, and each occasion on which, execution is effected or attempted
- Executing or attempting execution of a writ of delivery under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005
$104 for each address at which, and each occasion on which, execution is effected or attempted
- Executing or attempting execution of a writ for the levy of property under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005
Note. The 3% levy (below) is not payable in relation to writs executed by the Marshal in Admiralty
$104 for each address at which, and each occasion on which, execution is effected or attempted, plus 3% of the proceeds of enforcement
- Executing or attempting execution of any court process (other than a warrant or writ referred to in item 2, 3, 4 or 5)
$424 for each address at which, and each occasion on which, execution is effected or attempted
- Preparing for sale of land following receipt of notice of sale from judgment creditor under rule 39.22 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005
- Furnishing a certified copy of writ for the levy of property for registration under section 105A of the Real Property Act 1900
- Providing Sheriff's officers to guard property seized under a writ of execution under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005 $569 per Sherrif's officer per day
- Attending a view by a jury in civil proceedings
- Opening or keeping open the Sheriff's office on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday or on any other day before 9am or after 5pm
- Conducting a debt search on a judgment debt registered with the Sheriff's office for enforcement (for each name of company or individual searched)
- Retrieving, providing access to and furnishing a copy of any document (otherwise than as provided by item 8)
$15, plus $8 for each 10 pages (or part of 10 pages) after the first 20 pages
Chief Industrial Magistrate's Court fees
Section 383 of the Industrial Relations Act states that the procedures regulating the exercise of the any Jurisdiction exercised by the Industrial Magistrate are governed by the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 and the Civil Procedure Act 2005 and other acts regulating the procedure before the Local Court.
Criminal Jurisdiction
Schedule 1 of the Criminal Procedure Regulations 2017 and
Schedule 1 Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2020:
- Court Attendance Notice
Standard Fee: $114
- Local Court Application
Standard Fee: $114
- Certificate of Order
Standard Fee: $76
- Subpoena for Production
No fee
Subpoena to Give Evidence
No fee
Subpoena to Give Evidence and Produce
No fee
- Application for Time to Pay Court Fine
No fee
Civil Jurisdiction
Schedule 1 of the Civil Procedure Regulation 2017 and
Schedule 1 Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2020:
- Application for Recovery of Money
Standard fee: $114
- Summons to Produce (civil jurisdiction)
Standard fee: $126 Corporate fee: $252
- Summons to Give Evidence (civil jurisdiction)
Standard fee: $126 Corporate fee: $252
- Summons to Give Evidence and Produce (civil jurisdiction)
Standard fee: $126 Corporate fee: $252
- Notice of Appearance
No fee
- Affidavit of Service
No fee
- Notice of Motion
No fee
- Notice of Discontinuance
No fee
Application to waive or postpone a fee
A user of a court or a court service should contribute to the cost of that service and all court fees should be paid. However, some fees may be postponed or waived. Application to waive or postpone a fee is made in writing to a registrar. For more information, refer to the: