District Court New South Wales

Forms and fees for general court services

Forms will need to be lodged with the appropriate fee, either in person, by post or via the online registry. Find out how to lodge a form or pay a fee


Listed below are forms for general District Court services.


The following fees are prescribed by the Civil Procedure Regulation 2017 and Criminal Procedure Regulation 2017 and are payable from 1 July 2024.

Please note, the Sheriff's Office also charges fees for its services, including for the service of documents.

Matter for which fee is payable

Standard fee

Corporation fee

Item 1

Issuing a subpoena (for production, to give evidence, or both)



Item 2

Receipt by the registrar of a document or thing produced in compliance with a notice to produce under Part 34 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005



Item 3

Filing or registering a copy or certificate of a judgment, order, determination, decree, adjudication or award of any other court or person under section 133 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005



Item 4

Opening or keeping open the registry or part of the registry:

(a)  on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday

(b)  on any other day before 9 am or after 5 pm



Item 5

Requesting production to the court of documents held by another court



Item 6

Furnishing one or more sealed or certified copies of a judgment or order, or of the written opinion or reasons for opinion of any judicial or other officer of the court



Item 7

Retrieving, providing access to and furnishing a copy of any document (otherwise than as provided for by items 6, 8 and 10)

$15, plus $8 for each 10 pages (or part of 10 pages) after the first 20 pages


Item 8

Retrieving and providing access to, but not furnishing a copy of, any file or box of files, where the file or box of files is retrieved from on off-site storage facility

(a) standard retrieval request - $98 per file or box of files


(b) non-standard retrieval request (including urgent, high or after hours priority retrieval request or a retrieval request for deliver to or from a regional location outside the Sydney metropolitan area) - Such additional fee incurred by a court  


Item 9

Supplying a duplicate recording of sound -recorded evidence -per cassette tape or disc



Item 10

Supplying a copy of a transcript of any proceedings:

(a) where the matter being transcribed is under 3 months old

$110, plus an additional $13 for each page after the first 8 pages


(b) where the matter being transcribed is 3 months old or older

$140, plus an additional $15 for each page after the first 8 pages



Item 11

Providing any service for which a fee is not otherwise imposed by this Schedule

Note - 

A fee may not be imposed under this item except with the approval of the registrar.



Item 12

Filing an application to commence summary proceedings brought in the District Court, other than proceedings brought by the secretary of an industrial organisation of employees

Last updated:

24 Feb 2025

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