District Court New South Wales

Dates available for criminal trials

Dates available for criminal trials are published weekly for the Sydney CBD and Parramatta. These are the two venues at which the court sits full-time:

There is no guarantee that a  date will still be available when a trial date is sought. The court will seek to list a trial on the first available date.

Sydney CBD

This information was last updated on 14 March 2019.

Week commencing Number of trial listings available
23/09/19 4
30/09/19 11
08/10/19 8
14/10/19 4
21/10/19 8
28/10/19 13
04/11/19 11
11/11/19 8
18/11/19 10


This information was last updated on 14 March 2019.

Week commencing Number of trial listings available
30/09/19 2
21/10/19 4
28/10/19 3
11/11/19 5
18/11/19 4
25/11/19 6
2/12/19 6
03/02/20 4
10/02/20 4
Last updated:

16 May 2020

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